Vaccination: Why It Can Be Harmful To Avoid or Delay


One of the biggest myths about vaccination is that it can be harmful or even dangerous. However, it is one of the most important and powerful tools in medicine. Any doctor practicing today will tell you that this is not true for healthy people, as it can be one of the safest medical interventions available.

It’s becoming more prevalent in our society to have the opinion that avoiding vaccinations is okay. In fact, nearly all the anti-vaccination advocacy groups seem to be pushing for this idea. Further, it can be an effective way to eliminate many serious and life-threatening diseases, but with its introduction into the mainstream, more and more people have begun to ask questions.

Serious Medical Conditions

For people who have certain medical conditions, it can be harmful. If you have a serious medical condition, talk to your doctor about whether you should get vaccinated. If you have a weakened immune system, don’t get vaccinated until your doctor says it’s OK.

People with weakened immune systems are more likely to get serious side effects from the vaccines, and they may not work as well. This includes the use of drugs that people use to suppress their immune systems. These include steroids such as prednisone or other medications that lower the body’s immune response.

Those who’ve had organ transplants need to wait at least three months after their transplant before getting vaccinated against hepatitis B or rabies, and at least one year if they’re taking drugs that suppress the immune system.

Furthermore, children younger than age 6 months who are born prematurely or with a low birth weight are at increased risk of developing seizures from the MMR vaccine.


Severe Illness and Death

Parents worry about how their children will react to vaccinations, but they should be even more concerned about what could happen if they don’t vaccinate their children on time.

Some parents believe that they can “go with nature” instead of getting vaccinated, but doing so puts their kids at risk for some very serious conditions. No doubt, immunisation can prevent you from getting sick with these serious diseases and help keep you healthy.

Longer Lasting Diseases

Vaccination is a medical procedure that introduces a foreign substance into the body to stimulate an immune response. Vaccines work by stimulating the body’s own immune system to produce antibodies and cells that can attack and destroy the pathogen that causes the disease.

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