Importance Of Certificate IV In Work, Health, And Safety Around Us

Certificate IV in work health and safety

Looking for Certificate IV in work health and safety? Health and safety are two major parameters in workplaces. The people need to fulfill the criteria of health as they must be compatible for work and they must follow the safety rules laid down by the company. Though each company may exhibit different rules the basic rules will be common and agreed upon by most corporations. The Certificate IV in work health and safety is an approval for the company for following all the safety norms. 

Importance of certificate IV in work health and safety:

Importance in general life:

There is no need to elaborate on the importance of work in life but when we talk about health and safety we must understand that both are equally important in our life. Healthy life protects us from diseases and safety measures save us from accidents. We all work for money and to feed our family but if we neglect our health, how far we can feed ourselves and our family someday we may pay for our negligence towards health.

Similarly, if there are equipment and protective measures why do we risk putting our lives in danger? Why don’t we understand that it is our life and we must keep it safe, isn’t it? In daily life we take a lot of unnecessary risks like not wearing a helmet, crossing railway tracks, alighting and boarding running trains, and a lot more.

Importance in the corporate world:

Many companies arrange a lot of training programs for their employees about safety and health hazards. It may include workplace drug and alcohol testing training as well because cases of drunken people may even lead to a major accident where one or many people may lose their lives, especially in sensitive plants like chemical or petroleum products.

Why certificate IV?

Certificate IV in work health and safety

The nationally recognized certificate IV in work health and safety provides the employees a good understanding of work, health, and safety skills to perform various functions without any incidence. Any accident in the company can lead to an inquiry against the owner and a fine or sentence to him if found guilty.

The training consists of various factors in the company like operations, administration, or implementation of the safety rules in the company. The companies are responsible for the safety policy and health camps as well.

Who can attend?

The training is aimed at each person working on premises including the owner. Based on the outcome of the training questionnaire the company draws an action plan including workplace drug and alcohol testing training.


While working or in general certificate IV in work, health and safety is very essential as this training helps people to understand the consequences of neglecting the health and safety measures. For more information visit our Website.

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